This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

hot buttered inappropriate workplace metaphors, ebullient is a good word even if I sound a bit ridiculous, all your lede are buried to us
Tom Brewster 48 comment(s)

Ava: Well hello Monday! Welcome to an entirely new week at Shut Up and Sit Down, a whole seven days that has never, ever been done before. Totally unprecedented. Might look a lot like other weeks, but we promise every second is going to be different in at least one way. Cast iron guarantee, that.

So what are we filling those seconds with? Well, we’ll play some games, we’re all doing admin to get us to Pax Unplugged in December, various videos will be carefully carved into different stages of existence and we’ll be chatting and planning and podding and sustaining our fragile physical forms so we can keep on telling you about ledes we have buried.

On which topic, let’s talk about what’s actually happening on the website this week.

On Wednesday, Quinns has been investigating a positively angelic game, and is going to show you exactly what he thinks of it. My understanding is he’s pretty excited for this one, which makes me excited too.

Friday is podcast day, and your second helping of Quinns will be served with a side of hot, buttered Tom. The two of them are talking about games they’ve been playing with their living fingers, in their living rooms, whilst looking directly into each other’s living eyes! How’s that for boardgames? On the list is Brian Boru, the game of taking tricks and marrying Estrids – and Mind MGMT, a hidden movement game based on a comic book, but not (to my knowledge), an ebullient noughties indie band. They’ve also got a little stash of ‘trivia about their latest reviews’. I don’t even know what that means, but I think I’ll have to have a listen. Maybe you should too?

How about you folks? How are you going to make this week completely and incontrovertibly unique?


Shutupshow Tweets

Streams! Tomorrow on the Twitch, Tom will be pottering about in the System Shock remake! Check it out over at… - 9pm BST

About 13 hours ago from Shut Up & Sit Down's Twitter via Twitter Web App