This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

maybe it's a game about a man called brian who wants to bore u
Quintin Smith 29 comment(s)

Quinns: Is it gauche to say that I’m having one of those weeks where I just love my job?

The sky outside is bruised and moist (perfect weather for staying indoors with a game), I’ve got TWO big, great games that I’m playing exhaustively for my next great big reviews, and just minutes ago I received a package containing Brian Boru from Osprey Games*. Tabletop publishers around the world might still be struggling with punishing shipping problems, but I can at least promise that my advocacy on SU&SD will be as honest as ever.

This week on the site we’ve got a video and a podcast for you. At some point in the middle of the week Tom will be going green in the week’s video review, and then on Friday you can look forward to a podcast where Tom and I talk about Magnate: The First City, North Berkeley and Witchstone. Two games about property development and one game about witches who are only tangentially interested in property.

How are you doing, everybody? Have you been affected by publishing woes? Or have you, like me, just been having a great time playing games?

* I don’t even know what Brian (Mr. Boru?) is yet, but I feel like I can rely on Osprey to deliver something polished and deliciously unexpected.


Shutupshow Tweets

Streams! Tomorrow on the Twitch, Tom will be pottering about in the System Shock remake! Check it out over at… - 9pm BST

About 13 hours ago from Shut Up & Sit Down's Twitter via Twitter Web App