This week on Shut Up & Sit Down…

actual faces, victory spreadsheet, things fall apart
Tom Brewster 36 comment(s)

Ava: Hey there Monday! The whole team is fresh back from a week of actually seeing each other in person, and playing as many board games as we could squeeze into four entire suitcases. I actually met Tom’s face. We sat around a table and passed physical cards to each other, making drafting games bearable for the first time in over a year. I believe I narrowly won the weekend’s victory spreadsheet, despite a full day of my brain being completely unable to wrap it’s head around maths, rules, and the concept of time. Also I had the worst single turn I’ve had in any game ever. It was fun.

This away week gave us a chance to playtest so many games that we’re all excessively hyped about how many games, opinions and gags we’ve got to stream, podcast and review right into your lovely faces.

So let’s get started!

This week will kick off on Tuesday evening with a stream of an old favourite. Me, Tom and Matt will be flying into space while all our bits fall off. That’s right, we’re playing a digital version of Galaxy Trucker!

On Wednesday, Tom is inspecting all the fine details of a surprisingly big, little game in our next video review. I’m excited to find out what he’s going to say about this one.

On Friday, we’ve got the first podcast we’ve recorded in person in, well, a very very long time. You can hear me, Tom and Quinns get excited about three new editions of older games that we got to try out. Royal Visit’s card-based tug-of-wars, Mississippi Queen’s slow-mo boat races and Tinner’s Trail’s infuriating Cornish auctions.

What a week! How’s everybody holding up?


Shutupshow Tweets

Streams! Tomorrow on the Twitch, Tom will be pottering about in the System Shock remake! Check it out over at… - 9pm BST

About 13 hours ago from Shut Up & Sit Down's Twitter via Twitter Web App