This week on Shut Up & Sit Down…

Slappin' and Bappin', Smoked Herrings, The Great Pfister Pointacular
Tom Brewster 44 comment(s)

Tom: Hello there, readers, listeners, viewers and just-passing-through-ers! Make yourself comfortable in the schedule-tent, where everything happens to the motoric percussion of the ticking clock. On your marks, get set… SCHEDULE!

On Tuesday we’ll be streaming Trick Shot – a game about slapping, whacking, and slipping around on a big field made of cold. In the real world, it’s called ‘Ice Hockey’, and I think people do it for fun? Thank goodness we’ve got a digital version of a cardboard version of the whole process, it sounds like a real hassle.

A little later in the week, you can treat yourself to a video review, emerging from a mysterious fog of smoke, mirrors, and red herrings. The title has an E in it, and you’re not allowed to guess it this time or I’ll tell the dads!

Lastly, this week’s Frodcast is all about CloudAge. Matt and Quinns have been playing a few games of Pfister’s latest point-a-thon, and will (likely) have some thoughts and feelings about it. Don’t ask me what they think, I haven’t edited it yet!

Have a great week, everyone!


Shutupshow Tweets

Streams! Tomorrow on the Twitch, Tom will be pottering about in the System Shock remake! Check it out over at… - 9pm BST

About 13 hours ago from Shut Up & Sit Down's Twitter via Twitter Web App