Tonight, we’re streaming Chinatown!

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Quinns: Hey everybody! Tonight team SU&SD is celebrating how superb negotiation game Chinatown is arriving back in shops after a very long absence. You can watch Quinns’ review above, and at 7pm BST we’ll be playing a game of Chinatown live on Twitch! Yes, we normally stream on Thursdays, but not tonight! Remember to click “Follow” on our Twitch page to get an email whenever we go live.

Anyway, as I was saying, what a game! With a slim box, reasonable price, and simple-yet-fresh design, this is the kind of game that we can see ourselves recommending from now until this site finally implodes like a dying star.

…That said, the box art and setting look increasingly iffy with each passing year. Here’s hoping that with the next print run, Z-Man update the theming to something less eye-rolly to Chinese board gamers.


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Streams! Tomorrow on the Twitch, Tom will be pottering about in the System Shock remake! Check it out over at… - 9pm BST

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