Are you interested in working for SU&SD? Come intern!

we just have one office rule, don't make eye contact with the pear
SU&SD 67 comment(s)

Quinns: Hello all! Big news today. With Paul moving on to pastures new, we’re beginning the search for new team members. Today, we’re excited to announce a new, paid, part-time internship.

Throughout 2019, SU&SD will be offering a series of 3 month positions open to anyone in the UK interested in working with us, getting in front of our audience and learning everything that we can reasonably teach you about board games, scripting, video production, and all of the admin that gets stuck in-between.

We can’t promise that any of these paid internships will lead to future work, but they really might. That said, even if they don’t, we’re confident we’ll be able to teach you a whole lot, and – if it’s something you want – we can help you to find your own audience.

Matt: We’ve gotten pretty good at what we do, but new voices and perspectives are always important – so whilst wit and on-camera charisma are a boon, we’d like to make it clear that applicants for these internship needn’t have all the same skills that we do. Both myself and Quinns were lucky to start our careers in magazine writing – a culture that naturally cultivated mentorship and gave us both a really solid head start. In 2019 we’d like to try and pay this forward.

If you or someone you know would like to apply, all of the details can be found here, and the deadline for applications is January 31st.


Shutupshow Tweets

Streams! Tomorrow on the Twitch, Tom will be pottering about in the System Shock remake! Check it out over at… - 9pm BST

About 13 hours ago from Shut Up & Sit Down's Twitter via Twitter Web App