Tickets Now On Sale for The First SU&SD Convention!

oh my god please come, it'll be weird if it's just six of us in a ballroom
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Quinns: This is one of those times where you wish our headlines didn’t already use capital letters, so we could SHOUT!

Our team has been working ludicrously hard for the last five months putting together the first ever SU&SD convention. It’ll be in Vancouver, Canada on October 6th, 7th and 8th of this year, and tickets, details and hotel rooms are available through THIS LINK.

You can expect a board game lending library, tons of tables to play games, no less than three Megagames(!), a full track of talks and loads of special guests including every single member of the SU&SD team. It’s going to be ludicrously good fun. Practical info can be found on the above SHUX ’17 page, but I’ll pop a small F.A.Q. after the cut.

Q: You’ve been working on this IN SECRET?

A: Not quite! We told our wonderful donors a few months ago in the behind-the-scenes newsletter.

Q: Why on earth is this in Vancouver? That’s far away!

A: Yes! But whichever city we chose was going to be far away from some segment of our global audience. We went with Vancouver because Paul and our manager and resident adult-man Chris both live in Vancouver, which means we could be sure the con would run smoothly. Plus, Vancouver’s a walkable, friendly city with lots of other attractions.

Q: Why is this so close to Essen / Why is this on Canadian Thanksgiving weekend?

A: The question of “When to hold your con” is totally unsolvable. We needed a time when publishers had games to show off, that didn’t totally collide with any board game cons, when Vancouver was “off season” and accommodation and flights would be cheaper. Oct 6th-8th was absolutely the best fit.

Q: Will there be booths for me to shop at?

A: At this stage we can confirm that there will be literally some cool stands and demo areas, as well as a load of fantastic guests, but don’t expect the sort of publisher presence seen at bigger cons. If you want to have fun, meet amazing people and play games, we think that this first SHUX will kick ass. If you were hoping to spend money, you’ll have a much better chance of doing that in downtown Vancouver, which will be right outside the con.

Q: Will I be able to play a game with you guys?

A: It’s statistically unlikely but not impossible! The whole of our team will be wandering around and playing games the entire time, but there are only 5 of us and there could be 750 of you. But you’ll definitely be able to stop by and say hi! We’ll be have designated meet-n’-greets where we can have a bit of a chat and sign anything you like.

Q: I would like to organise an event for SHUX attendees before/during/after the con!

A: Sounds fantastic! Email [email protected] and depending on certain factors we might be able to put it out near the date on our attendee communications.

Q: I’d like to volunteer to help run the convention!

A: Even better! Email [email protected] with no more than 200 words about why you’d make a great SHUX assistant. (Rest assured we’ll come up with a cooler name for our volunteers in the near future.)

Q: I had a different question~

A: Oh no! You have foiled me. Please leave a comment below and we’ll respond as soon as we can.

Thank you so much, everybody!


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