Shirt My Feelings, PART TWO

thank you, Shirt gnomes, Pokémon, Emotional emoji
Paul 63 comment(s)

Paul: It’s with more than a little pride (and quite a lot of excitement!) that I announce the next phase of our t-shirt design competition!

Like the evolution of a fearsome and beautiful Pokémon, it’s transforming from its pitching stage into its selection stage. We’ve put together a curated list of our favourite popular designs (mixing older hits alongside some of the strongest last-minute entries) and now we’re asking our lovely fans to help us select which to produce.

I’d also like to thank everyone, really absolutely everyone, who submitted designs and who contributed to this thread. We’ve been blown away by your ideas, your enthusiasm and your wonderful contributions. They’ve been stylish, they’ve been funny and they’ve been extremely humbling, too. This has turned out to be far, far more popular than we thought and we’ve scaled things up accordingly. I actually can’t say thank you enough, to the point where I’m worried that this post will be me saying “Thank you, thank you, thank you” until I’ve filled an entire page.

If your design wasn’t selected, or you don’t win the vote, don’t worry! If this goes as well as we are hoping we’ll be doing this all over again and literally all of your designs will have another shot in the ring.

You can head over to our Facebook contest album to vote for/”like” your favourite designs! And yes, all of your emotional emoji count as a vote! We’ll also be putting them all up on Twitter and counting the likes/throbbing hearts on there as well. The three highest voted designs will go on to be printed by our trusty team of shirt gnomes (and given any very slight nips or tucks required for the printing process, where necessary). The winners will each also be getting a copy of all the winning t-shirts, plus a game of their choice as a small token of our extreme gratitude. The contest closes August 10.

Please also let us know if this is something you can get behind, and what size t-shirt you might order.

Thank you again for entering, for voting and for your support. This has been tremendous fun and so very exciting for us! So exciting that I need to go and lie down.


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