Keep it professional!

$25.00 USD on the 18th of each month

First payment: June 18, 2023

SKU: donation25 Category:


Just as entropy returns all living things to dust, the threat of unprofessionalism is always present, tugging away at the moral fibre of Team SU&SD. What starts one day with Quinns deciding not to shave could rapidly descend into Matt removing his trousers whenever his legs are out of shot, and before you know it Tom’s selling Apple iPods out of the back of the site.

This pledge level is for everybody with a belief in keeping things professional, providing a monetary incentive for our team to “Keep things professional” and ensuring that professionalism is otherwise kept.

(You will also be signed up for our monthly – distinctly unprofessional – behind-the-scenes newsletter, which comes out a day or two after the subscriptions run on the 18th of each month.)

Shutupshow Tweets

Streams! Tomorrow on the Twitch, Tom will be pottering about in the System Shock remake! Check it out over at… - 9pm BST

About 13 hours ago from Shut Up & Sit Down's Twitter via Twitter Web App