Tumblin’ Dice

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A dexterity dice game consisting of four sets of colored dice one either slides, rolls, or flicks down a stepped surface. Usually one slides the die for better accuracy. After each person has slid their 4 dice, points are scored. You score the die roll times a multiplier of either 1×, 2×, 3×, or 4× depending on which area of the board the die is on. (Dice which land in the 0× region are immediately removed from play.) High scoring rolls are targets for opponents. Four rounds are played and the player with the most points win.

Shutupshow Tweets

Streams! Tomorrow on the Twitch, Tom will be pottering about in the System Shock remake! Check it out over at twitch.tv/shutupandsitdo… - 9pm BST pic.twitter.com/ap58hQWcFJ

About 12 hours ago from Shut Up & Sit Down's Twitter via Twitter Web App