Gentleman’s Deal

Gentleman's Deal

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In this game, you turn into one of the influential citizens of a small but very wealthy town. Gathered together with others authoritative persons like yourself in some hidden place, you share money earned from another shady business. You need to use all your diplomatic tricks to make deals to determine how much money everyone collects. Can you be silver-tongued enough to please everyone, including yourself? You should because the player with the most money wins the game!

Gentleman’s Deal is a diplomatic party game about sharing money. Each turn, one player becomes a dealer and receives a secret card with the amount of money they must share. They make offers personally to each player, then those players simultaneously vote “yes” or “no”. If a deal was accepted by a majority of players, they gain all offered by dealer and the dealer takes the rest! The dealer must balance between being too generous and too greedy because if a majority of players vote to decline their offer, the dealer heads to jail and must skip their next turn.

Acquiring money isn’t the only goal of the deals. Players also share useful contacts represented by the cards of different accomplices that give powerful benefits, and everybody wants to obtain them.

The game ends after several rounds depending on the number of players, and whoever has most money wins!

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